All applicants for membership and attendees of the biennial APA-PFAW conference, will be admitted as members to the respective class of membership applied for (Full, Associate, Student). The membership is provisional until confirmed by the Membership Officer within one calendar month of receipt of application.
The different classes of membership, along with the requirements to access each of them, are reported as follows:
Fellow To be eligible for election as a Fellow, a candidate must satisfy the Executive Committee that s/he has either:
- Successfully completed a period of research or practice in PFAW, of at least ten years; or
- Engaged in the application, discovery, development or dissemination of knowledge or practice in PFAW or a related discipline for at least ten years; and
- Published works on PFAW or topics relevant to the purpose of the Academy, demonstrated that s/he has achieved standards or made contributions not less than those implied in a and b above.
Fellowships will be awarded on the basis of recommendation by two Full Members of the Executive Committee and a vote by that Committee. The Executive Committee may elect such eligible candidates as it sees fit. Fellows have full voting rights.
Full Member An application for Full Member may be made to the Membership Officer. Full Members have full voting rights and may nominate candidates or self-nominate for the Offices of the Executive Committee. A candidate for Full Member shall satisfy the Membership Officer that s/he has the following qualifications:
- a degree relevant to the purpose of the Academy; and
- evidence of at least three years active involvement in PFAW with regard to education, research or practice.
Associate Member Individuals who do not meet the criteria for Full Membership may be elected by the Membership Officer as Associate Member. Decisions on the result of applications will be made within one month of receipt of application along with the candidate’s curriculum vitae. A candidate for election as an Associate Member must satisfy the Membership Officer that s/he:
- satisfies at least one requirement of Full Membership.
Associate Members do not have voting rights and may not nominate candidates or self-nominate for the Offices of the Executive Committee. Upon being an Associate Member for a period of no less than two years, an application may be made to the Membership Officer to upgrade membership level to Full Member.
Student Member
A candidate for election as a Student Member must satisfy the Membership Officer that s/he:
- is a student in higher education; and
- is studying in a program relevant to the purpose of the Academy.
Student Members do not have voting rights and may not nominate candidates or self-nominate for the Offices of the Executive Committee.
International Affiliate Member Any member of the other societies relevant to psychosocial factors at work who may wish to become members of the APA-PFAW, will be elected as International Affiliate Members. Only those International Affiliate Members, who meet the criteria for full membership of the Academy will have voting rights and may nominate candidates or self-nominate for the Offices of the Executive Committee, and as such will be recognised as full members.
Membership Registration
To become an academy member, you can pay the membership fees to the bank account below. Please email the receipt (title your email: APA-PFAW membership receipt) to the Membership Officer.
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB Number: 06 5115
Account Number: 10459780
2 year membership fees:
Full member – developed country = $210.00AUD
Full member – developing country = $110.00AUD
Student member – developed country = $110.00AUD
Student member – developing country = $60.00AUD