Joint Congress of ICOH-WOPS and APA-PFAW 2023
The "Joint Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health - Work Organization and Psychological Factors & Asia Pacific Academy for Psychological Factors at Work 2023" was a significant event held in 2023, focusing on the intersection of occupational health, work organization, and psychological factors. This congress brought together experts, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe to discuss and share insights on improving workplace mental health and organizational practices. Key themes included the impact of work environments on psychological well-being, strategies for enhancing employee mental health, and the role of organizational culture in fostering a healthy work-life balance. The event featured a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops, providing a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices aimed at promoting healthier and more productive workplaces in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
Tokyo, Japan
19 - 22, SEP 2023
Symposia are invited sessions organized by the conference scientific committee.
Please see the themes of the symposia. Join the session you are interested in when you participate in the conference.
Symposia themes to be presented by the invited speakers
– Impact of COVID-19 in the workplace (essential and low-income workers, social inequality, vulnerable groups)
– Burden of disease and costs of psychosocial risks in the workplace (potential and limits of an economic/monetary perspective on psychosocial risks at work)
– Work engagement, flow and mental health in the workplace
– Working times and work-life balance in different countries and cultural contexts
– Democracy at work, employee voice and whistleblowing (psychosocial factors for speaking up vs. for individual and organisational silence, regulatory and cultural aspects).
– Psychosocial Safety Climate (PSC) in different country and cultural contexts (regulatory framework, risk awareness and risk perception)
– Tackling psychosocial risks at work: advocacy activities of NGOs
– Digital mental health interventions at workplace: challenges and future directions
– Digitalization of working life
– Active aging in the context of work: the role of psychosocial work quality
– Return to work (cancer and chronic disease) psychosocial aspects, rehabilitation, compensation, prevention
– New Longitudinal Insights into Work Stress and Well-Being Processes
– Decent work as an innovative framework for a psychologically healthy and safe working life. Transformative OSH research and policies in times of multiple crises
The Joint Congress of International Commission on Occupational Health Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors & Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work 2023 (ICHO-WOPS & APA-PFAW 2023) took place from September 19 to September 22, 2023, at Hitotsubashi Hall in Tokyo, Japan. The conference was hosted by Prof. Nakata and Prof. Shimazu and was titled “Imagine! Decent Work Beyond COVID-19”. The event provided a global platform for all experts interested in workplace psychosocial factors to discuss how to create a new decent work environment in a post-pandemic world. The conference had 302 participants from 34 countries.
The conference included not only discussions on psychosocial factors in the workplace but also the opportunity to experience Japanese culture, such as Japanese green tea, Japanese sake in a gala dinner, and Japanese towels. The opening address by Sailor Moon was a highlight for many attendees. The conference included a creative and welcoming opening ceremony, workshops, keynote speeches, symposiums, special sessions, oral presentations, poster presentations, and round table discussions. I personally joined the PSC workshop by Prof. Dollard, Dr. Afsharian, and Dr. Loh, and gained valuable knowledge and inspiration from the discussions, as well as a pretty tote bag as a gift.
The conference ended with a future-oriented keynote speech by Prof. Idris about the future of PSC studies. During the closing ceremony, winners of the ICOH Young Travel Grant Award (Ms. Ratnaningsih and Ms. Joos) and the Best Student Poster Award (Mr. Lin, Ms. Inoue, and Ms. Johari) were recognised.