1st Conference of the Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work
The inaugural Conference of the Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work marked a significant milestone in the region's commitment to fostering healthy and supportive work environments. Held in the bustling metropolis of Singapore, this gathering brought together esteemed scholars, practitioners, and policymakers dedicated to understanding and addressing the psychosocial factors shaping workplace dynamics.
Throughout the conference, attendees engaged in vibrant discussions, sharing cutting-edge research findings, innovative interventions, and best practices aimed at promoting mental well-being and productivity in the workplace. Topics ranged from stress management and work-life balance to organizational culture and leadership development, reflecting the multifaceted nature of psychosocial factors at work.

Auckland, New Zealand
29 - 30 November 2018
The 2018 Asia Pacific Academy conference in New Zealand will explore a variety of topics including:
- Psychosocial factors at work and their relationship with productivity and health
- Psychosocial factors at work in developing countries
- Integrative and interdisciplinary approaches
- Best practice psychosocial risk prevention and hazard management strategies, interventions and evaluation
- Job strain and cardiovascular disease
- Organisational factors that promote positive wellbeing
- Managing workers with chronic health disorders and mental health issues
- Focus on industries/occupations at risk e.g. health workers
- Influence of macro-level factors and social inequality on worker health
- Economic and productivity benefits of psychological safety at work
- Multilevel work stress theories and research
- National and international comparative work
- Worker health: From research to practice
- ‘Hot topics’ such as workplace bullying, sickness absence, aging workforce, unemployment, retrenchment, precarious employment, work-life balance.
This event allows researchers and industry representatives to come together and discuss the latest developments in theory and practice. The program will include presentations from academics and practitioners as well as workshops and symposium. By attending this conference, you will have the chance to develop your knowledge about psychosocial factors at work; past, current and future perspectives. Your presence at our 1st conference will be much appreciated. Please feel free to share this email with your colleagues who you think might be interested.
Deadline for Submissions: 1st September 2018
Eligibility for submissions
- Research that has been previously published (e.g., in a journal article, book chapters, book, conference proceedings) should not be submitted.
- A participant can be the lead author on a maximum of two submissions.
Abstracts should be 300-500 words in length, written in English. Abstracts should include the following content: aims, approach or methodology, findings or key messages, limitations, and conclusions. In addition, each submission must outline implications for policy and/or practice. Authors should indicate, in the submission process, which one of the conference themes the submission relates to.
For symposia with multiple papers, submissions should include an overall abstract for the session plus the individual abstracts for each paper. The author(s) identified in the overall abstract will be listed as the chair(s) of the session. Within the body of each individual abstract, the symposium title must be mentioned, along with the paper number (1, 2, 3, etc) to determine the order of submission. The chair must submit all abstracts related to a symposium.
Submission types
Individual paper presentations: Oral presentations of 15 minutes organised into concurrent themed sessions. Presentations should be 12 minutes content, with up to 3 minutes for questions and discussion.
Symposia: A collection of (3-6) presentations on a common theme, within a 60-90 minute session. A chairperson should introduce the topic, followed by the individual paper presentations. There is typically a short time for questions and discussion between the participants and the audience following each individual paper, and a concluding set of comments by the chair/discussant.
Poster presentations: With a visually stimulating and clearly presented visual poster to convey the key points, the poster sessions enable direct interaction between presenters and congress delegates. Posters will be grouped according to a theme.
Submission and review process (Closed)
- Please use the online submission portal: https://www.apapfaw.org/ Submissions will only be accepted through the online portal.
- Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
Publication of abstracts
Abstracts will be published in electronic format only. By submitting an abstract, authors give permission for electronic and online publication of the abstract, as well as for a PDF version of the presentation slides to be made available online to all conference delegates following the congress.
The 2018 Asia Pacific Academy conference in New Zealand will explore a variety of topics including:
- Delegate Registration
- Programme
- Keynote Speakers
- Burning Questions
- Venue and Accommodation
- Conference Committees
Registration Closed!
Please note that the registration period for delegates has ended, marked as (Closed!) from June 1st, 2018, to November 30th, 2018. However, the final deadline for author registration was October 29th, 2018.
If you have already submitted an abstract, ensure you register using the same email address used during account creation.
To complete your registration, please fill out the online registration form. Payment can be conveniently made through credit/debit card via our secure online payment system.
Thank you for your interest and participation!"
Welcome to the 2018 Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work Conference!
We're thrilled to announce that this year's conference will be held in the Sir Neil Waters Lecture Theatres building, identified as building 3 on the map below.
As we delve into the theme 'Macro to Micro Perspectives on Healthy Vital Work in the Asia Pacific', we invite you to join us for a rich and insightful exploration.
Keynote Speakers
Join us as Professor Christian Dormann delves into 'The impact of individual-level and organizational-level evidence-based management on employees' motivation and health.' Gain valuable insights into effective management strategies that positively influence workplace dynamics and employee well-being.
Professor Maureen Dollard will shed light on 'Psychosocial Risks at Work in a Capitalist Economy and the Role of Psychosocial Safety Climate.' Explore the intricate relationship between economic structures, workplace hazards, and the crucial role of psychosocial safety climate in mitigating risks.
Dr. Aditya Jain will tackle the imperative topic of 'Managing Health, Safety, and Well-Being: Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability.' Discover the ethical dimensions of workplace health and safety practices, and delve into strategies for fostering a sustainable culture of well-being.
Get ready to ignite insightful discussions at the 1st Conference of the Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work with our Burning Questions session!
Ever had burning questions about complex issues in your field? Now's your chance to get answers. Join us on the first day of the conference for a dynamic Q&A panel featuring international experts. They'll tackle current issues, hot topics, and field any challenging research or practice questions from our audience.
All conference delegates are encouraged to submit their 'burning' questions for the expert panel to address. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading minds in the field and gain valuable insights into pressing matters shaping the landscape of psychosocial factors at work."
Get ready to ignite insightful discussions at the 1st Conference of the Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work with our Burning Questions session!
Ever had burning questions about complex issues in your field? Now's your chance to get answers. Join us on the first day of the conference for a dynamic Q&A panel featuring international experts. They'll tackle current issues, hot topics, and field any challenging research or practice questions from our audience.
All conference delegates are encouraged to submit their 'burning' questions for the expert panel to address. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading minds in the field and gain valuable insights into pressing matters shaping the landscape of psychosocial factors at work."
Conference Committees
Conference Chair: Associate Professor Mohd Awang Idris, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Chair of Organising Commitee: Dr Natalia D'Souza, Massey University, New Zealand
Chair of Scientific Commitee: Professor Paula Brough, Griffith University, Australia