The Asia Pacific Academy for Psychosocial Factors at Work operates under the guidance of a diverse team of researchers from across the Asia-Pacific.

The executive committee is responsible for the management and direction of the academy. Executive committee positions of the academy are democratically elected by full members or academy fellows. A list of executive committee members is provided below.

Executive Committee


President: Professor Akinori Nakata*Prev. Associate Professor Mohd Awang Idris.
Vice President 1: Associate Professor Jodi Oakman. Prev. Associate Professor Dai Jungming
Vice President 2: Professor Andrew Noblet. Prev. Associate Professor Akihito Shimazu
Chair of Research and Development: Professor Maureen Dollard and Dr Michelle Lee. Prev. Professor Michelle Tuckey
Chair of Training and Practice: Associate Professor Mohd Awang Idris and Dr Yulita. Prev. Professor Akinori Nakata. 
Finance Officer: Dr Tessa Bailey. Prev. Annabelle Neall
Executive Officer: Ms May Young Loh. Prev. Dr Annabelle Neall
Membership Officer: Dr Nurul Liyana. Prev. Professor Paula Brough
Publications Officer: Dr Ali Afsharian

Area Representatives

Australia: Dr Maureen Dollard
China: Dr Junming Dai
IndonesiaDr Dian Ratna Sawitri
Malaysia: Dr Rusli Bin Nordin
Japan: Dr Akihito Shimazu
South Korea: Dr Jeong-Ho Chae
Thailand: Dr Sara Arphorn
Vietnam: Dr Pham Min Khuê

* Akinori Nakata, PhD
Dean and Professor
School of Psychology and Medical Welfare Management
Division of Epidemiology and Social Medicine
Graduate School of Public Health
International University of Health and Welfare, Japan